Do You Practice Gratitude In Your Life?

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. it can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend”. Melody Beattie

April is usually a tough month for me. My twin sister Jill and I were born on April 19th and the last birthday we celebrated together was 11 years ago. I am turning 70 this year—there I said it—and I was kind of dreading it (even though my friends say its just a number and look at the alternative). Passover is also this month, a holiday special to our 2 families and difficult without her.

Usually a positive and glass half full kind of person, I was choosing to dwell in the past of late. However, an event occurred yesterday that stopped me in my tracks and forced me to change my perspective.

My son and daughter planned a surprise early birthday gathering in New York City at a restaurant, Avra, (that my sister loved) and invited her family too. My boyfriend was in on the secret and managed to convince me we needed to meet his old friends for brunch. Our families shared a wonderful meal, took a long walk and ended up in the theater district with tickets for Waitress, the Musical.

It was a special day that I will remember always, and it reminded me of something important: the power of gratitude. In the hustle of our to do lists and work deadlines, we block out details of the day forgetting that each day holds precious gifts, something to be thankful for. It’s a choice to live with gratitude. It’s not always a natural state of existence; we must work at it.

In his book “Words of Gratitude for Mind, Body and Soul”, Robert Emmons states “learning how to experience gratitude involves being grateful as an attitude, not as a reaction when good things occur. It could be that the act of being grateful, in itself, makes one receptive to life’s blessings and these blessing continue as we continue to be thankful”.

In fact, research shows that gratitude is good for our brains and our bodies. The hypothalamus ( the part of our brain that regulates bodily functions such as appetite, sleep, metabolism and growth) is activated when we feel gratitude. Our brain becomes flooded with a chemical called dopamine, a natural high. These neurological benefits open the doors to many health benefits including reduced anxiety and depression, better sleep, increased energy and vitality, stress relief, decreased pain levels and boosts in our immune systems.

Other benefits of practicing gratitude are improvement of relationships and self esteem as well as enhancing empathy and reducing aggression.

Whether its accomplished by keeping a gratitude journal, or orally reminding yourself each morning or night of 3 things you are thankful for each day, practicing gratitude is doable. Remember Oprah’s words “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough!” I need to go write in my gratitude journal. Next week, we purge our closets! XO. Penny


Life Changing Benefits of a Gratitude Practice Psychology Today

Words of Gratitude For Mind, Body and Soul by Robert Emmons

6 thoughts on “Do You Practice Gratitude In Your Life?”

  1. I love this blog!! Thank you!! I try to remind myself to practice gratitude daily but sometimes I forget!! Especially when I get caught up in the day to day stresses and busyness like you said! I notice the difference in how my body feels when I am positive and grateful!!!
    Thank you for reminding me to think about things I am grateful for !! So glad you had a great time in the city! What a nice surprise and wonderful way to turn your situation around!

    1. Hi Jaybe. Thanks for your kind words. I am glad that practicing gratitude has helped you in your daily life! It’s so beneficial in so many ways! XO. Penny

  2. Happy almost birthday! I’m so happy that they were able to pull that surprise off! I know that April 19th is around the corner and that you will be thinking of Jill. You are such a positive person and you always try to make the people around you feel better. You always make me feel loved and appreciated. When we haven’t seen each other in a long time it’s always so comforting to see you and your smile, your wonderful scent, and how you always look so beautiful even after flying on an early morning flight. I am so grateful that you are in my life, you are my friend forever. I can’t wait till we are in the same zip code again. xoxo

  3. Without gratitude, life is pretty ordinary! Thank you for these beautiful reminders, Penny! I think the suggestion of actually listing three things one is grateful for each day helps to keep one on the thankful path. Your blog has inspired me to return to that daily reminder!
    One item in my list today is YOU AND YOUR BLOG!

    1. Thanks Kathy. What a beautiful Easter picture of your family! We have so much to be grateful for!

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