Have You Heard About the Revolution?

I am not talking about the “Me Too” Movement or the Women’s March political movement that have emerged these past two years in our country. This is the Silver Hair Revolution, a movement so significant that a feature film has been made entitled “Gray is the New Blonde”, documenting the increasing number of women who have stopped dyeing their hair. It’s a new generation of women who can be just as sexy, chic and fashionable, but choose to embrace their unique and natural hair color as they age. It’s a beauty revolution!

Women are embracing the gray (I like silver better; gray connotes dullness, dreariness, while silver is beautiful, shiny and valuable) for many reasons: authenticity, to be a role model, to save money, to have more free time, less maintenance and for health reasons.

My fascination with the going silver journey began a few years ago. My best friend Debby and I talked about doing it together. I began stalking the Facebook groups like Going Gray Gracefully, Going Gray and Loving It and Shine on Silver Sisters. These groups offer support and encouragement, along with hair care and makeup advice to women thinking about ditching the dye. I also researched silver haired beauties of all ages on Pinterest.

But I caved; I was weak. I listened to all the critics and naysayers including my boyfriend, who, although silver himself, does not like it on women. Don’t go gray; it will age you; don’t you care how you look;you can’t let yourself go!!! The negativity came from everywhere and I chose to listen, even though I was so curious about what was under the auburn dye that would turn orange and gray by the end of the month because I was 95% gray. My mom dyed her hair herself Lucille Ball red until her 86th birthday. She looked softer and prettier in her silver pixie. Would mine look similar?

Fast track to January 2018, I was home recuperating from a bunionectomy and decided to go for it! The first few months of the journey were difficult, but I was home anyway. Some women wear hats, headbands and become creative to hide the skunk line. Others choose a pixie to shorten the transition. I found a wonderful stylist who worked with me lightening the dark auburn and getting frequent trims to cut off the blonde and let the silver emerge. It took nine months and I love it! I have my moms silver hair. My friend Debby loved mine and she’s a silver sister too!

In Silver Hair, A Handbook by Lorraine Massey, a book that was invaluable, the author found that “many women who have embraced their silver, say they are re-evaluating life’s essentials and taking better care of themselves, by staying fit, eating healthy, cleaning clutter that doesn’t serve them, sleeping more and better at managing stress”.

What do you think? Are you ready to rock your silver? Leave me a comment and let me know how you feel about it. Penny


Going Gray, Lookin Great by Diana Lewis’s Jewell

Silver Hair, a Handbook by Lorraine Massey

10 thoughts on “Have You Heard About the Revolution?”

  1. I decided to go natural almost two years ago! I still didn’t have roots and only dyed my hair every three months or so. But I never liked the chemicals in so called Natural Instints. My hair became very coarse and I needed a ton of conditioner on my always short hair. I still have lots of brown mixed with the grey. I like it! I like NOT using anything! Do I look older? Maybe but that’s fine!! I am older! Time to embrace the aging!
    I live in Florida in the winter and have seen so many beautiful happy vibrant women with various shades of silver! I love it!👩🏻‍🦳

    1. I’m with you Kathy. It has been very freeing and so much cheaper. I hated the smelly chemicals and my scalp always felt itchy. I never really liked the color for very long either.

  2. I was a slave to the dye and I cut the chain about 4 years ago….. I love my salt and pepper hair and get tons of comments on it…. women have commented me. I am sure it is the short bob cut as well. As a black female, I tried going natural as well. I have to report, failed miserably. So while I am not giving up all my hair chemicals, I am embracing my natural color….. Let RL know that if he had to die his hair as often as woman did he would be passing those comments, but embracing the beautiful woman that you are..

  3. Great post!! I’m one of the people that thought gray would make you look older! I was wrong!! I’m glad that you went silver!! I think it looks beautiful and young on you!!

    1. Thanks Jamie. Sometimes you just have to follow your own instincts and try it. I figured I could always dye it again if I hated it!

  4. My journey started about 2 years ago (maybe longer). The silver is great, I’d love to be totally white! The problem is, my hair is getting so thin, I don’t know what to do with it. I keep looking at these great short cuts and think I should go for it. I also love to let my hair dry naturally which gives me nice wavy/curly hair, my daughter hates that look, but I think it makes my hair look thicker. What to do, what to do.

    1. Hi Shellie. So glad you are loving the natural look. There is such freedom with letting your hair dry naturally and wavy. I’m always checking out new hairstyles on Pinterest. In fact, my grandson was checking out the photos on my phone and laughing at how many pics of haircuts I have. Penny

  5. I remember us talking about doing this but when we actually set the last birthday to dye I questioned if it would ever happen! Now your so right, it’s very freeing and so much easier to maintain. Since I also moved it was hard to find dye that was compatable to my hair type, another reason to quit dying. I loved your Moms hair when she ditched the red and went natural, she looked so beautiful. I’m anxious to see what we will look like at the end of this year. I don’t feel different with “silver” hair and it makes me happy. I may have to cave and cut it all off at some point but that will be ok too. I’m fine with change, it’s good to keep people guessing. Once again thanks for your post and for sharing your expertise on this blog. Xoxo

    1. Hello my silver sister. So happy we went on this journey together! Your son Jeremy and Paul were right to encourage us to do this. Believe it or not, some days I actually go without makeup! Loving the freedom! XOXO Penny

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